Jones Berry Agencies

电话号码: 02 4934 4222
传真号码: 02 4934 4244
详细地址: suite 1, 456 High Street
市镇: 梅特兰
州区: NSW - 新南威尔士州
邮政编码: 2320
网上地图: 查看大图
网站分类: Media, Marketing, Advertising
AL No.LK1037-2583-26
Jones Berry Agencies offer a range of Livestock Marketing services.

Extensive industry knowledge allows us to provide the maximum return for producers, complete with a payment guarantee.

JBA can handle the entire marketing process (including transportation, slaughter dates, reports), allowing producers to work as normal while we handle the details.

Livestock Marketing
Complete Service / Solutions
Clearance Sales
Real Estate (rural)
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